Friday 26 October 2012

"SixthSense Technology"

WHO- Pranav Mistry is a PhD learner and a graduate of IIT he created a SixthSense device.
WHAT - The SixthSence is a device that you can wear. It is capable of interactions between the world and its data.
WHEN- November, 2009.
WHERE- The SixthSense device was created at MIT’s Media Lab.
WHY- The SixthSense technology was created to interact with the real world with a physical sense.
How- The SixthSense technology is worn on your fingers and is used by hand gestures.

I found the technology really interesting, it’s like all you could ever want. I also found it interesting that the SixthSense can be worn on your fingertips and that it works with gestures. How cool is that! The SixthSense is related to information technology because to create it you need to do lots of research also because it’s physical and digital technology.

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