Friday, 16 November 2012

Connected, but alone?

I found it interesting how Sherry Turkle used pictures and not only words to show us that people rely on their phones or devices too much. I also found it interesting how Sherry Turkle related the fact that when we use our devices to communicate it can cause troubles.

Who is Sherry Turkle and what is her profession?
How did Sherry Turkle get the idea about sharing the thought that most people are connected, but alone?  

Thursday, 1 November 2012

"The Smartbird"

WHO- Markus Fischer created the robot that fly’s like a bird called The Smartbird.
WHAT- The Smartbird is a really light artificial bird that can fly like a real bird.
WHEN- The demo was created in 2011.
WHERE- The demo was filmed at TEDglobal. The Smartbird was created at Festo.
WHY- The Samrtbird was created to fulfill the dreams of flying like a bird by making a robot that can fly just like a real bird. It was inspired by the Herring Gull.
HOW- The Smartbird takes off in the air and flaps its wings like a real bird.

The Smartbird is related to information technology because it requires a lot of re-search to be made. It’s also related to information technology because to make the Smartbird you need skills with technology of computers. I liked how the Smartbird isn’t a real bird but it looks like one. I also liked that it has almost the exact same movements of a bird.

"10 Interesting IT Jobs"

1.       Computer Programmer
2.       Computer Support Specialist
3.       Project Leader
4.       Information Systems Manager
5.       Lead Applications Developer
6.       Network Manager
7.       Data Modeler
8.       Messaging Administer
9.       Staff Consultant
10.   Application Architect

"The Origins Of Halloween"

People bob for apples on Halloween, they visit haunted houses, people trick-or-treat, they attend parties, and they do fireworks.

WHERE- The name Halloween comes from  All-Hallows-Eve.
WHAT- Halloween is celebrated on October, 31, 2012.
WHAT- UNICEF comes from The United Nations Children’s Fund.
How- UNICEF is connected to Halloween because it started on Halloween.

You can go to Fright Night which is at the Vancouver PNE and it’s full of haunted houses, rides and Halloween activities. You can also go to haunted houses which are houses that are haunted people pop out, scare you, and there are lots of haunted people and many decorations. You can also go to Halloween trains which are trains that are haunted. There just like haunted houses but you’re on a train.