Thursday 1 November 2012

"The Origins Of Halloween"

People bob for apples on Halloween, they visit haunted houses, people trick-or-treat, they attend parties, and they do fireworks.

WHERE- The name Halloween comes from  All-Hallows-Eve.
WHAT- Halloween is celebrated on October, 31, 2012.
WHAT- UNICEF comes from The United Nations Children’s Fund.
How- UNICEF is connected to Halloween because it started on Halloween.

You can go to Fright Night which is at the Vancouver PNE and it’s full of haunted houses, rides and Halloween activities. You can also go to haunted houses which are houses that are haunted people pop out, scare you, and there are lots of haunted people and many decorations. You can also go to Halloween trains which are trains that are haunted. There just like haunted houses but you’re on a train.

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